Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Today Is My First Day At This

Wow!  Today is my first day at this blogging thing, something I promised myself I would never do because I felt like, "Who really cares about what the hell I'm doing or thinking anyway?"  But here I am, typing away at my computer, spilling my guts out for the world to biggie.  Anyway, I think this will be great therapy for a sistah like me who always has something brewing in her mind and in her heart.  I guess I could start by telling you a little about myself , right?  Well, I am a native Los Angeleno, the last of ten children, a single parent of two teens, a Civil Servant and above all, a Goddess reincarnate.  I know you're wondering why I call myself a Goddess, well it's because I AM!  For many years of my young adult life I didn't know who I was, I thought I was a nobody, a person who was just here at the mercy of others, to make them happy.  I spent most of my teen years crying and depressed not feeling accepted by anyone, not loved.  I've always felt "different" from others and therfore I had very few friends.  To this day, I still have very few friends, just a tiny handful that I keep close to me.  I have a gift of discerning people's spirits or vibrations, which enables me to sift through those who are pure in intentions and those who only come to suck the life out of me.  I believe this "gift" was given to me by my Spirit guides / ancestors as a way of protecting myself from the parasites in this world who I had already been victim to in my younger years.  I also have revelatory dreams which give me information on past and future events.  I communicate with my late mother via dreams regularly as she often visits meMy mother had a gift as well where she could "see" spirits as if they were in bodies and she would often tell me how she saw such and such, or so and so last night standing by her bed.  She also could hear thsese spirits and would always ask me what I had said to her when I had said nothing.  So, in essence, I didn't fall too far from her tree of supernatural ability.  I don't plan on making money off of my gift, nor do I wish to receive requests for services because what I have comes only to benefit me and my spiritual growth.  At this point in my life, I'm really getting back to who I AM, what I came to do, and to Ascend to higher realms of consciousness.  I don't have time for the bullsh** that I used to put up with from other people because we are in a state of spiritual, cosmic evolution and I need to be on the right frequency with the universe, with the All. 
I AM  the Goddess because I AM the Divine Mother Goddess, the Cosmic Black Mama who birthed everything into existenceWithout me there would be nothing that is or will ever be.  I have been denied and suppressed by the masculine energy that dominates the planet, which oppresses that which is beautiful and complete, the Holy Mother, the Black Womb.  I no longer close my mouth and hide, ashamed of  who I AM, for I AM Life, I AM Love, I AM the beat of the universe.  Your fear me because of the power I possess and your pride won't let you acknowledge me and your keep me from my Royal Throne.  As we approach the shift in consciousness however, I will not be denied any longer.  The earth bears witness to my anger and frustration, she cries out with a mighty voice to you through disaster after disaster, disease upon disease, war upon war, but you will not listen to the voice of the Black Womb whom you raped, abused, murdered, and plundered for your selfish, beastly pleasures.  The day approaches, soon indeed, when you will bow down and reverence my power and might, and then, only then will peace come upon this earth.
~The Divine Words of The Original Black Wombniverse~